A Six Week Guide To Reclaiming Your Soul

About The Book

Do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled? Unworthy? Like you’ve checked all the boxes and built a life, a career, a family but still, something is missing?

From an early age we’re taught that in order to be worthy, to find true happiness, to be “somebody,” we have to accomplish many things. We become achievement machines, always grasping for the next big win to send a signal to the world—and to ourselves—that we’ve “made it.” That we are happy.

But do we ever “make it,” really? Are we truly happy not in the “#livingmybestlife” and “#blessed” way in which we caption our social media pages, but from a truly contented place of inner peace and joy? One where the yearning for the bigger house, the better job, the younger, more pliable spouse takes a backseat to the yearnings of our hearts and souls, a place where contentment just “is”?

We’re often told to follow our heart; that fragile, fickle organ at the center of our physical being. What’s really meant by that idiom is to follow our soul; that all-knowing, ever-wise space within all of us. But most people have been disconnected from their souls for so long, they have no idea where to find it…let alone how to follow it.

FREE TO BE is a simple six-week process of liberating your soul. With easy-to-digest daily exercises, it will lead you toward a life of deep fulfillment and lasting contentment. (That is, if you let it!) If you were given a guide that could reset your life—rewrite your story—right here and now, would you? If your answer is yes, let’s begin.

“Good advice and a simple helpful program for inner well-being.”
—Jack Kornfield
Author, Buddhist practitioner, Spirit Rock Meditation Center Founding Teacher

Publisher: Post Hill Press (June 6, 2023)
Distributor: Simon & Schuster
Length: 176 pages
ISBN13: 9781637585467

“Do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled? Unworthy? Like you’ve checked all the boxes and built a life, a career, a family but still, something is missing?

What if that “something” was deep inside you waiting to be found?

Consider FREE TO BE a way finder to your soul. Within six weeks, you will be guided to clear the path to your soul and once you’ve found it, you will be shown how to set it free…for life!


What They’re Saying

Reading FREE TO BE helped me slowly untangle all the false stories I’d been telling myself for years, so that I could truly rewrite my narrative in a way that feels true to me. So often, I bail out on self-help books before I ever make it to the payoff. But this process spoke to my soul’s desire to live my life authentically, wholly and full of play.

Darrah Maclean

Brand Storyteller

In German we say, “das Ziel ist der Weg.” It translates to, “the goal is the journey.” And I am thankful to Shirin for taking me on this journey … her journey. I’m grateful for the clarity, the process and the pragmatism. Whether you have faced a setback or are looking for a way to reset, Shirin’s process and weekly exercises are essential tools to help achieve a whole life.

Traci Möller

Content Strategist

What a great book for creating a support system to a more mindful life. The vulnerability that Shirin brings as she shares her own experience is the bedrock of the book, lending a safe and supportive air to the reader’s journey. The exercises can be deeply introspective, or playful, and are sometimes both at once…with something for everyone.

Regina Buckley

President, Guardian News & Media (US)

“An illuminating guide to soulful insight, clarity and purpose!”

- Gregory S Williams


“Shirin offers a fresh, actionable way of thinking about spiritual wellness and has created a playbook for finding your True North.”

- Amy Parker

Chief Executive

“I never gave my soul a second thought until I read this book. Within the first week of following the exercises I started disconnecting from my stressful screens and reconnecting with the joy and wonder of daily life.”

- Gina Pell

Content Chief, The What List

FREE TO BE offers clear and simple guidance yet deep and thorough explanations of the fundamental principles of living in spiritual awareness. Shirin helps us cleanse our mind, tap into and heal our hearts, speak our truth, see how we easily separate ourselves from the All That Is, and gives us tools for realigning our thoughts, finding our magic, by reclaiming our soul to once again live in oneness with Creation.
FREE TO BE allowed me a new perspective on life, a new outlook on my relationships with others, and most importantly, the relationship with me! Focusing on my authenticity and listening to my intuition while honoring self-care. Shirin showed me that the light within is always with you, that forgiveness is always an option, that not everyone belongs to your tribe, and that you truly can move through and transform any negative experience into a life lesson learned.

Shirin – thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for showing me a path that is much more enjoyable to take as I make my way on my journey while I reclaim my soul. Merci and I love you.”

- Shirin Gonili

Activist & Philanthropist

hey there!

I’m Shirin Etessam

I have been a storyteller all my life; through films, TV shows, and branded content. After a major life event a decade ago, I began a long, deep, and meaningful journey within myself. I wanted to know why it was that with all my earthly gains, I was still discontent and constantly grasping at external goals; whether it be a romantic partner, a new home, a new title, etc. For a very long time I believed that life’s magic was elsewhere and if I could just find it and attach myself to it somehow, then I would be happy.

I’ve come to learn that a life goal of “happiness” is not only unrealistic and futile but it could (and did) lead to a life of doubt, worry, envy, frustration, and discontent. It took me six years of deep soul work to realize that the magic I was seeking elsewhere was begging to be found within myself. People say, “follow your bliss” but I wanted to know HOW. So I wrote the book I wish I had when at a major crossroad and on my knees. I condensed my six years of soul work into a simple six week process that anyone can do anywhere. Consider it a “HOW to follow your bliss” which is sitting deep within your soul, waiting to be found.

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